Title: Buffalo Wild Wings Internship Materials
Brief: During the summer of 2017, I was fortunate enough to intern at the Buffalo Wild Wings corporate office in Minneapolis. While there, I was presented with the challenge of imagining new design solutions that fit within their already well–established identity system.
Gift Card Solution: I created multiple gift cards, all of which are being sold either online or in restaurants nationwide. The sweater gift card used a die cut to subtly represent a neckline with the purpose of standing out in restaurants to increase sales and push the boundaries of what a gift card could be.
Kid's Book Solution: With the kid's activity books, the goal was to create a series of books, each representing a different sport to be as inclusive as possible. Knowing that an activity book is a child's first exposure to the brand, I wanted to capture their attention with fun designs and sport specific content.
Role: Graphic Design Intern
Tools: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign